Policy patrol
Policy Patrol Disclaimers is a disclaimer and signature tool for Microsoft Exchange Server. The program offers advanced user-based disclaimer and signature features such as formatting, merge fields, HTML disclaimers with pictures & tables and disclaimers as text attachments.
Policy Patrol can avoid adding multiple disclaimers when replying or forwarding and can position signatures after the last entered message text. Policy Patrol works with Exchange 2003, Exchange 2007, Exchange 2010 & Exchange 2013 and any other SMTP mail server. Policy Patrol can add disclaimers to internal as well as external mails.
The Companies Act 1985 (As amended on 1 January 2007) requires any Private or Public Limited Company or a Limited Liability Partnership Companies to include certain mandatory information on their websites and in their business emails from 1 January 2007 (and your letterhead and order forms). This does not apply to Sole Traders or Partnerships. Failure to comply with these requirements means they will breach the Companies Act and risk a fine.
Mandatory information
- Your company registration number;
- Your place of registration (e.g. Scotland or England & Wales)
- Your registered office address
An example footer:
Nevis is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 3356647. Registered office: York House, 16 Wool Gate, Cottingley Business Park, Bingley, West Yorkshire BD16 1PE.
- Ensure Compliance
- Ensure Consistency
- Protect Confidentiality
- Improve Marketing
- Works with web mail
For more information, please contact our sales team on 01274 550910 or email sales@nevis.co.uk who will be happy to discuss the product with you.