Microsoft Office 365
When Microsoft released Windows 8 and Office 2013, they also released a subscription based service which allows users to spread the cost of Microsoft Office on either an annual or month by month basis. This allows users an affordable way of utilising the latest version of Microsoft Office throughout your subscription.
However, another real benefit that this provides users is the ability to store your emails in the Microsoft Cloud. This has the advantage that your email data is held offsite, so if your PC’s were to suffer from a hardware failure, your email is safe.
This also allows smaller or new businesses the ability to have a corporate class email solution for a small monthly cost.
Nevis are able to provide you with a quotation for various versions of Office 365, as with anything else we offer tailored to your requirements. We can even set this up for you on your business or home PC’s. Also, we can even migrate your existing email data into the Microsoft Cloud, so not only is your new email data held in the Cloud, your historic email data is also held in the Cloud.
Office 365 also provides Nevis with the flexibility of offering new or small businesses with a very cost effective server solution as we can provide a solution where your server doesn’t need to manage your email (which would be recommended for larger businesses). This means that you can have the peace of mind that the security of a server environment can offer while also knowing that your email data is secure in the Cloud.
If you are interested in the above information, or if you are looking for a new way of safely delivering email to your business, then please contact one of our sales staff on 01274 550910 or sales@nevis.co.uk who will be happy to help you with this.